
Old school but modern. Human and kind. Spirited and fun. Principled and direct. We get the job done right. We say what we mean and mean what we say.

About Us

Barsamian is a creative communication company headed by Nicole Barsamian that produces thoughtful, strategic and cutting-edge campaigns, content and design. Since 2001, we've helped clients connect with people, raise awareness and make an impact. We harness our skills for good and tell stories that impact lives.

Mutual respect, partnership and clear communication with our clients drive our success. We’re well-rounded, ethical, efficient and effective. Our business model ensures you receive senior-level expertise; we maximize your budgets to make things happen. Our clients are nonprofits, corporations and foundations.

We’re small by design, but deep in expertise. Our size keeps us flexible enough to scale to the needs of each assignment—large or small.

Barsamian’s core team is comprised of experienced communicators, strategists, creative minds and project managers. We’re skilled problem solvers and have a proven track record of getting things done with vision and reliability. To meet the demands of each project, we tap into our network of communicators and creatives and put together a tailored team. This tailored staffing approach allows us to continually evolve and offer senior teams in an efficient way.